Lemercier (FR)

View from the Moon

View from the moon at Maintenant Festival, October 2020 © Gwendal Le Flem 

The spectator can see from far away the silhouette of a planet, projected on a large wall. This image seems familiar: a crescent of light on a perfect sphere it must be the moon. As the spectator gets closer, they discover details of craters, irregularities made of fine shadows and reliefs. Once close and observing attentively, one recognizes the contours of continents, seas and oceans. What remains are traces of disasters the monochrome reveals the absence of an atmosphere, the disappearance of the oceans. It is up to the viewer to imagine what lies behind this view of an inert planet. The artist invites us to think about a possible future.

CREATION : Joanie Lemercier
PRODUCTION: Juliette Bibasse