Janne Ahola
– Weather Report

Single-channel video, acrylic on canvas, animation, 4K, stereo

4 min

Weather Report seamlessly integrates acrylic painting with 3D animation, creating a sophisticated fusion of traditional and contemporary artistic techniques. The painting serves as the foundational layer for all digital elements, including light, shadow, and motion. The installation consists of three interwoven parts, reflecting different stages of light and climate fluctuations.

The original inspiration for the work emerged in 2019 when I began to pay attention to the red-yellow colour palette of weather forecasts. As I read more about the subject, I encountered an online marginal discussion about a theory suggesting that the masses are driven to fear by altering the colour palette of weather reports. This claim has since been refuted, and the reasons for the colour palette change have been attributed to factors such as improved measurement methods and misinterpretations of maps.

“Nevertheless, this conversation prompted me to consider the extent to which stretching the truth would be acceptable if there were (almost) indisputable benefits for humanity. The starting point of the installation is utilitarian ethics, which posits that actions should be evaluated based on their impact on general happiness and well-being.

With a meditative atmosphere, Weather Report invites the viewer to contemplate the ethical issues brought about by inevitable changes.

Sound design: Tuomas Rio

Janne Ahola (b. 1984) is a designer and video artist from Helsinki. He has worked extensively in the field of digital art. Over the past decade Ahola has realized numerous works relying on projection mapping techniques. Recently, his work has concentrated on exploring the fusion of traditional painting techniques with video and animation. Ahola has exhibited in Finland and abroad.
